à la Carte

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I LOVE technology - A small biz owner's perspective

Now, for those of you who know me (Dave), you know that I'm not a technology hound in any sense of the word. You know that I'm usually busy enough that if something breaks I simply get someone to come fix it. I just never had the aptitude for programming, and/or technology above "remedial." For years I carried a Blackberry, a Palm Treo, etc. without doing much with the functionality beyond calling people and the occasional text message (and that was very occasional) This year, however, I upgraded to a new smart phone and made a commitment to myself (as a small business owner) that I was going to learn how to use it..I mean REALLY use it. It took me about 3 weeks, but finally it happened ... and I couldn't be happier. Now, I've finally come to see the advantages so many people had been espousing (for years)! I can work from mobile locations, I'm more effective on the road, I can communicate in various formats...it's AWESOME. I used to joke that smart phones made me feel dumb...now I feel as though I am truly mastering my work time, and simultaneously finding that I have more time for my family. So, after years of resistance and frustration, this is what it feels like to finally understand the features and benefits of the technology attached to my belt...I Like It!

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