à la Carte

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Now some, who know me well, may look at the title of this post and believe that I'm going to go on another one of my rants...well, those people would be right. Corporate idiocy abounds...take a look at this moronic ad. It's a concept being considered by the WWF (the conservation folks, not the wrestling group, they're now the WWE...and not a bad entertainment value for the dollar, but I digress). This ad was concepted all in an effort to compare the devastation of 9/11 to a Tsunami. (100 passenger jets bearing down on New York City) WOW, again I say what idiots! Nothing this dumb involving NYC has happened since the White House conducted low altitude fly-overs around the city for a photo op earlier this year!

Regarding this ad, the first idiot that needs some serious "beat-down" is the creative "genius" who thought "wow we could compare 9/11 to a natural disaster"...please sir or madam, sit back down and do not speak until spoken to! Idiot #2 is the one who said "gee, that sounds like a really neat idea...run with that." You sir, are fired! The final idiot is the one (and I'm assuming that it's not one of the previously mentioned dim bulbs) that actually allowed this to escape into the public domain. What Great Caesar's Ghost were you thinking?!?

If I were the WWF and really didn't authorize this (which, in all fairness they're saying the did not) I'd be livid. There is no telling how much this idiocy has cost them in dollars and what kind of harm it has done to their image. The final act of idiocy was when the shop (that out of courtesy I will not name...although you can find it easily) denied creating the ad. Just own up to it...it's gonna bite you where you sit so you should just deal with what's coming down the tracks.

Now, as far as this relating to our Small Business Blog, it's a prime example of how a bad idea can become "oh so much more" just by sending an electronic copy to someone. If you're ever in doubt as to whether something may harm your business or others by the way it's perceived, DON'T SEND IT! That's my piece for tonight... I'm still amazed.

Best Always,
Dave J


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