à la Carte

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Benefits of Social Media

Recently we've had a lot of customers asking us about the benefits of "social media" and how that can affect their businesses. Well, I thought we should take just a few moments to throw out some answers that might encourage folks to take a closer look at this growing marketing outlet.

Social media, by definition is simply the transformation of content readers into content publishers, or sites that provide "user generated content." This, in and of itself provides amazing results in terms of like-minded people, businesses, groups, philanthropies, etc. gravitating towards each other in cyberspace - becoming communities, building relationships, and ultimately being "SOCIAL."

Social media is anything that allows the user-generated information flow. These vehicles can take the shape of Internet forums, Message Boards, Wikis, Weblogs, Social Networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.), and Vlogs (video blogs), just to name the most obvious.

To reap the benefits of social networking you must first be able to GIVE. Meaning, that if you go into any social networking endeavor with the mindset that all you're going to do is bombard people with how great you or your product of company is, don't bother. You must be willing to give or bring something of value to the community. You must be willing to exchange information and ideas that others can benefit from. Ultimately, any community you seek to join is not going to even look your way if they sense that all you want to do is take from them...in this respect the Internet is even more critical than the physical world. In the social networking realm, you're totally judged on your content. There are no good looks, fancy clothes, cool cars, or trendy watering holes to be seen at. Your admission to the community and/or acceptance by others is based solely on your perceived intent!

Finally, any social networking campaign that is entered into is not a "load & leave" proposition. It's one that must be continually worked. You must update your blog, keep your website content fresh, participate in discussions relating to your industry or personal interests, be available for advice, and ultimately allot the time needed for people and groups to get to know you and what you stand for. In so doing you will garner friends, colleagues, lead sources, and possibly even increased sales.

When I started my Twitter account I read a great piece (and I wish I'd saved it) in which the author said, when anyone running a company, or who is part of an executive team begins Tweeting, the first inclination is to begin "chest thumping" about his or her company...DON'T!!!
The author then went on to say why and it made all the sense in the world to me. He said (and I paraphrase)...

-Twitter and other social networking sites are designed and are at their best when people who know very little about you or your company can make a human connection to the brand through your tweets and/or postings. It is a chance for people to get to know the people behind the brand and otherwise provides them with a window into the soul of the company. -

This single piece of information got me off on the right foot with Twitter and our other social media networking endeavors...I sincerely hope that something I've conveyed above will help at least one person out there do the same!

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