à la Carte

Friday, September 18, 2009

Darn that BONG!

If there's one thing in business that will lose clients faster than anything else, it's lack of communication. Now I run an ad agency...so by the very nature of my business there is an inherent level of Client-Chasing that goes on. However, there are those times when people say, "Dave I love what you do...I believe that it could be of benefit to me and my organization." I had one such instance happen at a recent entrepreneurial meeting. What seemed to be a very professional person said, "I would love for you to come speak to my organization" (a non-profit professional group). I've done this dozens of times before and I agreed as I believed that our service could indeed help them. She followed up with me and said that she'd like to iron out details...cool. Things seemed on track. Now, since that call I've left two messages and ... (cue the crickets). Nothing, nadda, zip, zilch, zero. Now, when it comes to my business, it's alright and I'm not going to chase the speaking engagement as I do have plenty to keep me busy, but for her... in my mind that's now a different story. I now have a suspicious bent as to what type of corporate leader she actually is and by default HOW her operation runs. That may or may not be fair, but let's be honest folks...it's human nature. None of us like to be brushed aside, especially when we feel as though we're doing someone a favor or can help them in some manner. The moral to the story is that prompt attention to everyone who calls (from the inbound sales call to the high-dollar) client is of utmost importance. More so now that ever before...for we truly live in a long-memory world and people are talking and sharing more than ever. Michael Phelps will never be able to deny his bong-hittin' days to his grandchildren because that 'ol Internet thing has a LONGGGGGG memory. Even if you are waiting on some information before getting back to someone...if the end of the day has arrived just punch them up and say "Mary, just wanted to get back to you and let you know I hadn't forgotten about you...just as soon as I hear back from John I'll give you a shout." Now Mary will go home feel like you care and just perhaps tell millions of people through her own connections!

Best Always,

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