à la Carte

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and The Scrantons

I took this holiday weekend to rest and relax with my family. But as so often happens, after 4 days we all needed some "alone time." My time was spent reading on my favorite subject...the industrial rise of the American Super Economy from the 1840's through the early 1900's. This weekend's reading included the history of the Scranton Group/Family (Scranton, PA) who founded one of America's earliest and most successful iron works, rail lines, and towns in the wilderness of Lackawanna Valley, PA. For any entrepreneurs out there who may read this blog I encourage you to look up the story of the Scranton family/group. These men had vision, but encountered obsticles ranging from poor site location, difficult materials sourcing, political haggling (town of Wilkes Barre didn't want them) to the cry from Socialist leaders to re-distribute the wealth they amassed. Now, one thing should also be noted...most of the Scranton group died in abject poverty. Only three of the original 8-10 group members had any money at all when they died. I don't tell you about this story to impress you (as if I could) regarding my reading selection, but rather to impress upon other entrepreneurs that all of the headwinds we encounter today were also present in 1840! As we go forward into 2010 it will be important to realize that we are not alone in the challenges we face. Men and women of vision who have come before us also encountered issues of a similar nature and that were no less troublesomme. For those of you who have plantd your flag in the ground and staked out your claim, I salute you and wish you all the best today and always!

Dave J.

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